Sally Fisher

Sally draws her inspiration from the elements of nature in all its forms. Sally is synaesthetic and expresses her experience through colour , light, and form including the beauty of the human figure. She finds inspiration from many things be it the light on the sea, urban landscape, music, sounds around us, moving images of passing landscape as they flash by from the window of a train, as light fleetingly touches the fields or seascape as it passes. The the interplay of light and shadow are a constant inspiration.

Consequently as we threaten the ecosystem Sally feels a fierce protection of Nature and hopes that through connection and feeling we will change our ways and protect it. The world is alive, we can experience life as it pulses through us.
Sally paints in her studio and en plein air (in all weathers and seasons!), capturing the infinite changes of landscape. Sally regularly attends life drawing and live portrait painting in oils.
She is also a sculptor in high fired clay working from a live model.

Sally studied at Amersham School of Art and is a qualified Adult Art Tutor.

She has taught extensively since 1998 at many venues including Camden Working Men’s College, Marlborough Summer School, Salcombe Art Club, Harbour House, Kingsbridge, Phoenix Studios, Oxfordshire and run many workshops for art groups around the country. And run painting holidays in Southern France for many years.
Instagram: sallyfisherart.

Featured Work


Mall Galleries Pastel Society show

RBA, Mall Galleries, & NRA, Waterloo

British Studio Arts, Kuwait.

Articles Gallery, Fulham, London.

Two Rivers Gallery, Bath

Winchester Summer Show,

Solo shows in Highgate, London and Harbour House, Kingsbridge,

The Black Gallery, Tring.

No 14, Woodstock, solo Shwo

Oxford Art Society Exhibitions

She had many articles published in The Artist and has a chapter on Nudes in the Harper Collins book The Watercolour Problem Solver.

She was also Jonathan Cainer’s daily cartoonist for his horoscope page in The Daily Mail from 1985 to 2022 producing six cartoons a week for 38 years through sickness and health with not a day off!