Jilly Spencer-Gale

I grew up in a family of artists, my grandfather, mother, cousins & brother were all good artists in their different ways.

I have always loved drawing & painting – generally on walls as I loved to help decorate the interior of our house at the time!  but I didn’t take it seriously until 5 years ago when I joined & became involved in the Salcombe Art Club.

It was the encouragement of my art teacher, Jenny Johnson (now sadly deceased) that made me realise how much I loved developing my art skills.

I attended Jenny’s classes at the SAC covering all aspects of pencil drawing, charcoal, pastel & watercolour.  The latter being my favourite for many years but I slowly felt the need to explore & express in my paintings stronger colours seen & found in the environment around me.  Personal memories are the starting point for my abstract, collage paintings & I progressed from watercolour to oil & acrylics & still I’m not sure which medium I prefer.

I like to think I have a spontaneous interaction with the painting surface, every mark is made in answer to the previous mark.  The truly wonderful light in the sky, on the seas & landscape & reflections in the water give me inspiration to paint.

My thanks go to Ian Carr, Steve Kenna, Sally Fisher & others who have taught & guided me over the last few years.

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