Faith Constantine

Appreciation of art and creating art have been life long fundamentals of mine. Whether it’s wandering around an art gallery or from attending art classes throughout my life – seeing and learning how to draw and paint in various mediums has always excited me.

Inspirations from tutors helps one to “push boundaries”, as well as sharing ideas with fellow artists.

All this has encouraged me to “see beyond the image”. To interpret it as I see and feel it …..

Trying to get in an abstract frame of mind can be very tricky when one has always been, as I call it, a “conventional artist.” I have found that it takes time to find the style that intrigues me……

One of my favourite tutors always said “drawing is the basis of all art” – and as mine improved, I realised what she meant. So I have come to believe that one has to understand the rudiments of drawing, so one knows how to alter it into a form that excites not only myself but the viewer too!

Moving these steps away from reality can create an image that hopefully encourages the mind to loose boundaries and take steps into “wonderment”.

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