Donna Francesca

Over the past few years, I’ve been on a journey of artistic exploration and experimentation. Delving deep into uncharted territories, I’ve navigated the realms of creativity to uncover my artistic voice.

By integrating my diverse influences and interests which include my professional experience in photography, studies of holistic health and interest in ecological environmental issues I feel that I have developed an expressive body of work which is a tribute to the breathtaking Devon coastline that graces my everyday life and the profound connection I have forged with its awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Primarily I work in oils; alla prima, which enables me to capture the intense emotionality of the weather, and the ever-changing play of light upon canvas. I start by making small studies on paper, these help me to explore my ideas quickly and without expectation. They may inform a painting or act as a testing ground for mark making. I find this process incredibly useful. Progressing onto canvas, I play and move paint intuitively. Using various viscosities of paint and employing media such as, marble dust, ash and cold wax I develop texture and interest until the painting reveals itself.

Ultimately I aspire that my work conveys my deep reverence for the emotive and healing powers of our natural world.

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