Claire Williams

Elen Claire Williams MA is a fine artist working in the genre of the British Walking Artists, specifically the ‘Art of Slow Walking’, principally recording and interpreting her local South Devon landscape,using a variety of mediums and visual languages. The artist commonly selects popular places at those solitary times where isolation from modern life encourages imagination, self-discovery and inner peace.

“I have succeeded in my aim when the glory of creation encourages people to engage to celebrate and conserve the vanishing natural world on our personal doorsteps.”

Recently Elen Claire Williams has been developing a body of work that explores other avenues of recording the landscape. Mapping rural localities is still focused but in more liminal contemporary ways. This is enabling the artist to break away from conventional forms of documentational imagery into a fresh form of landscape mapping.

Relevant qualifications” BA (Hons) Fine Art; BA (Hons); 2 and 3D Design; MA Entrepreneurship for Creative Practice; other professional qualifications.

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