
There are 3 Categories of membership: Lay (£15 pa subs), Associate (£20 pa subs) and Full (£30 pa subs)

The first step is to enrol as a Lay member.

After one year of Lay membership you can apply to become an Associate member through a selection process which happens in February or March each year. Selection for Associate members to gain Full membership happens through the same process the following year.

Please note our Subscription year is from 1st of November until the 31st October. If you join in our year before May 31st then your membership renewal will be on 1st November that year. If you join after May 31st then your membership renewal will be on the 1st November the following year.

LAY members may take part in educational and social activities of the Club but cannot exhibit work in the Annual Exhibition.

ASSOCIATE members may take part in most Club activities including exhibiting in the ‘This Week’ section and the Browser of the Annual Exhibition.

FULL members may take part in all Club activities and exhibit their work in the Annual Exhibition. They are required to carry out their share of Stewarding.