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Egg Tempera Painting (Weekend Workshop)

30 November at 10:00 am - 1 December at 3:30 pm


Tutor: Ian Carr

Cost: £80

Egg tempera is an ancient medium, the yolk of the egg is mixed with dry pigment to create a smooth emulsion. Leonardo’s The Last Supper and Botticelli’s Birth of Venus are two famous examples. Egg tempera painting is classically done in layers – building up the surface with glazes. It dries to a lustrous sheen and can be scratched into or added to with pastel and acrylics. The process requires a modicum of patience so more than one piece will be worked on while others are drying. Best results are on wooden panels or card which has been primed with either gesso or white acrylic paint or primer. A list of essential items to bring will be sent nearer the time.

We will start at 10am and finish at 3.30pm each day.

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Egg Tempera Painting (Weekend Workshop)
£ 80.00
10 available


30 November at 10:00 am
1 December at 3:30 pm
Event Category: